Architectural Projects That Changed Beirut Skyline Forever!

Architectural Projects in Beirut as Never Seen Before!

Maybe you haven’t yet got the opportunity to see the city of Beirut, the Capital of Lebanon, from above but if you were a bird you could!

And believe me, it is worth it!... Yes, there is something you are missing about it, especially during those last few years.

And I am quite sure that I'm not exaggerating at all because it’s the real pure truth; Beirut did resurrect from its devastation for good precisely in the downtown Beirut district where destruction was the most. Where are many architectural projects taking place so quickly as the phoenix bird?

architectural projects, beirut skyline, beirut hotels
Beirut at night; New Skyline from Zaytouna Bay! - Photo: Credit to KT Drones Production

Even if someone agreed or not, whether some had objections and issues with the way it was done or not, it has happened for good and it is now a reality that we cannot ignore just because of any reason.

You can accept it or not, like it or not, but you cannot avoid being amazed about it.
Yes, and the truth be told, who can predict or visualize things to be as it is today: a totally "renovated skyline" for our dearest Beirut! The city which was a bunch of non-organized concrete blocks for years, and was abandoned for decades, has now new architectural projects, and a new modernized skyline like other nice cities around the globe.

In addition, and the most important thing is that it is now recognized in the world tourist cities list.

Again, Beirut Tops the List of the Most Visited Cities Worldwide!

Trying to recall the period wasted during the war (around 17 years, and even more) the city was looking forward to new investments and architectural projects, which can help the economy survive the consequences of the long war. So the renovation and the workshop on the Beirut Hotels slogan is in its active and energetic birth state process and progress.

Just three or four skyscrapers on the front seaside which house a wide range of International Hotels chains plus a large green boulevard did make the entire difference to the whole scenery, previously devasted by war.

You can now choose from a wide list of famous worldwide hotel brand names such as the "Four Seasons", "Phoenicia Intercontinental"and many others. Most of those are five-star rated but... if you are looking for more economical stays or have a lesser budget to spend, don't give up; you can still find your quest as Beirut is a city for all!

I personally tried two of those less expensive but with a great value-combination of quality and price. We are talking here about the "Q-Hotel" and "Le Cavalier" both located in the Hamra district.

architectural projects, beirut skyline, beirut hotels
Q-Hotel entrance in Hamra, Beirut. Photo from Facebook.

I suggest the first one related to the "Queens Suite Hotel" chain but smaller I think, and not so far away from it. A four-star hotel with nice views over the balconies and smiley faces staff always. Professionals as well, a truthy word to say.

architectural projects
My feedback on 10/10!

I highly recommend it for the many features and options it has; like the delicious free breakfast and other great services offered such as free Wi-Fi in the rooms and lobbies, etc...

Read more: I am inviting you here, by the way, to read my related post on Emotional Facts about Architectural Projects in Hamra for more facts and information.

Today, you can book your favorite property online, from the comfort of your home! whereas most of those already reserved their place over hundreds of sites specialized in such services. Most of those sites also offer the same room at a lower price than it is over the front desk!

(*) Refer to each website you are familiar with, like, and check out the offers they are providing.

Read more: Check as well, my article Why Should You Value the Downtown Beirut Restoration Project? about how Beirut get its new shape after the war. As well, you can read this small review and have an idea about those two newly constructed projects inaugurated lately in Beirut, in this related post: 2 Newest Architectural Projects in Beirut

Tourism was the main sector that supplied the Lebanese treasury with the majority of financial resources, as it contributed about 20% of the GDP during the two decades preceding the civil war (as featured on The capital was abandoned years ago to face its destiny and the long period of destructive war (1975- 1989) which cost the nation much more than it could support its consequences.

Martyrs Square during the war
Martyrs Square during the civil war in 1982- Photo Source:

Few of its old buildings resisted the storm that destroyed almost all its classic and traditional architecture at that time. Therefore, the first stage of the rebuilding process was to restore the possibly rescued historical buildings, and then came the execution stage of other main infrastructure and structures.

Good to know that the major historical buildings were restored to their original state with modernization according to the needs such as the municipality of Beirut, located in Waggan Street which is the home of numerous old constructions and most of them were restored as well.

In return to the new projects inaugurated recently in the major area of Beirut and not only in the central district, we also found a lot of those new skyscrapers hitting the sky of Beirut. Mostly the worldwide hotel chains such as "The Four Seasons", "The Phoenicia Intercontinental, and other towers like the "Platinum" building which is an Appartement Residence retail center, in addition to a hotel.

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The new seaside cornice, previously known as Ain El-Mraysseh Cornice, Photo Source by KT Drones Productions.

Despite this, it is not the only touristic service available, the skyscrapers occupy other major tallest buildings in town, with of course a very expensive cost to the majority of Lebanese people.

 Read more: I have posted an article recently about some new projects inaugurated in Beirut that in some ways represent the contemporary Architecture in Lebanon today and its influence over the Lebanese traditional architecture. Among those, is the Platinum Tower on the Beirut Sea Side (or Zeitounah Bay); You can read the article here.

Additionally, most of those enormous buildings are still empty and unoccupied a least till the publication of those lines. We have the right here to ask for whose those buildings are standing there and for whose they were built if they will stay unoccupied or almost?

This question will lead us to another question right away: Are the other skyscrapers in the world completely usable yet also?


Let’s take a look at this article published by "The Guardian", the international edition, it says:

Take the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. It’s impressive at 828 meters tall, but nearly a third of that (29%) is unoccupied, according to the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. The Burj al Arab, also in Dubai, is much worse in this respect, with 39% of the entire building unusable. In fact, Dubai has five towers listed as the tallest buildings in “vanity height” – unusable height for the sake of it. Across these five, some 31% of total space is completely wasted.

So, from what precedes, we can conclude that we are in the face of a global issue and not only a local one that needs more studies to find solutions to resolve its consequential evidence.

In the final analysis, we can be sure of one single thing; whatever your opinion about Beirut's changeover during the recent period, you cannot be hostile all the way. Otherwise, we had to find a better solution for discussion, which was not possible at the time, no matter how many mistakes were made. There is an old quote that we cannot ignore that says:

“If you cannot do anything about it, just have a negatively biased opinion about it” or something similar...

Anyway, last but not least, have a look at this YouTube video: It is all about Beirut from up, by KT Drones Productions, titled "They call her... Beirut" and produced in 2016. Hoping that you will enjoy it!

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